
Your AtoN under control in a single-click

Global Netcom (web App) is a software designed to monitor and remotely control the operating status of beacons, lighthouses and buoys through all the most common existing telecommunications channels (Radio, GSM, Satellite, ADSL, Wi-Fi, fibre optics or AIS).

Developed to run as a web server, users just need an Internet connection point to monitor their beaconing system from any desktop or laptop PC.

Discover all the advantages

  • Web App Access.
  • Remote monitoring and control in real time.
  • Early detection warning system.
  • Multilingual.
  • Downloadable databases.
  • Data graphs.
  • Access levels management.
  • Data filtering.

Early detection warning system:

The user detects if any of their AtoN requires attention at a glance thanks to an interactive GIS map where not only the location of the AtoN is displayed, but also warns through color codes if they are working correctly or there is any incident.

Data graphs:

Global Netcom shows relevant data of the AtoNs that make up the beaconing network to anticipate failures or detect anomalies: battery voltage, current consumption, the time the beacon is turned on and off, etc.

Downloadable databases

It allows the consultation, management and download of data thanks to its storage in database systems such as ORACLE, MySQL, SQL SERVER among others.

Demo Video

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