
Bathymetric studies and Technical advice

MSM has a Beacon Consultancy Office, specialized in the following areas:

  • Bathymetric studies necessary to know the depths and determine the correct location of the Maritime Signals.
  • Studies of Engineering of Maritime and Fluvial Signaling.
  • Elaboration of beacon projects, including study of their funding in their case.
  • Definition and design of equipment to measure. Turnkey project management.

We firmly believe in the satisfaction of our customers, providing a complete solution to any project they may pose.


Other services

Rental equipment

MSM offers its customers the possibility of renting a great variety of products such as buoys and marine lanterns.

Installation and Supervision

In the navigation aids market, in addition to the supply of equipment, our customers can request the installation and commissioning service of the equipment.


Fundamental section to achieve the longest cycle of performance.

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